Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Research Assignment
For my research I chose to look at the two different workflows of experiment 1 and 2 from a different perspective. Instead of viewing them from a human interaction point-of-view, I thought about the ‘machines’ interaction with each workflow. This led to my notion of the effects of each workflow on the computers resources, i.e. CPU usage, memory usage etc. Therefore my research question is:
Below is a video which presents the research I undertook to answer my hypothesis. Essentially I analysed each workflow with windows ‘Task Manager’ which visually presents the computers resource usage in real-time. It provides a clear indication of important aspects of the used machine including the CPU usage, Physical Memory Usage, and Page File usage(HDD), which are the variables taken into consideration for this research assignment.
For high definition video click here!!!
As seen in the video, multiple values were taken from task manager over time to produce an average CPU, Memory, and Page File usage for each workflow. Different aspects of each workflow required varying amounts of resources; however as a whole workflow 2 definitely produced higher values, thus showing to be more resource intensive. Workflow 1 did not require as much processing power as workflow 2, while PF usage was considerably higher in workflow 2. This means that the processes in workflow 2 required more memory, hence requiring assistance from the hardrive. These results actually reflected the complexity of the software being used. Solid Works and 3DS Max are evidently not naturally simple programs like Sketchup, therefore reinforcing the conclusion that the second workflow is more resource intensive.
Task Manager
Above is a image of the task manager, which was used to analyse the workflows. In the top section an instantaneous value (left) and values over time graph (right) of the CPU is present. Below that is the same for PF usage. In the top right box of the lower section information about the total physical memory, and available (not being used) pysical memory is shown.
Sketchup Modelling
Sketchup Texturing
Solid Works Modelling
3DS Max Texturing
CPU Comparison of Workflows
PF Usage Comparison of Workflows
Exp 2 Final Video
Click here for high definition video!!!
In the video I tried to capture the notion of the juxtaposition of materiality. Since materiality is a very important aspect of realism, I presented a realistic looking town hall station, prior to confronting the audience with an unreal material. The change in materials removes the realism of the environment and 'puts you off' essentially challenging the navigation through the station.
File Download Links
Crysis Level + Objects Folder
3DS MAX Model
Statement on Realism
Realism is what defines the real world; it is what separates us from the virtual world. However in the past few years, realism in the virtual world has sky-rocketed and gaming engines have been able created worlds extremely close to real world.
In relation to our town hall station models, I will strive to make my portrayal as real as possible, which brings me to the thought of ‘what is realism?’ I think realism lies further than just geometry, since a model can be extremely geometrically accurate, but still look unrealistic. I think a very important aspect of realism is texture and materiality, because it is essentially what distinguishes an object from other objects. Therefore I have given a great importance to the textures and materials I create for my town hall station model. I intend to create accurate textures with normal bump maps where relevant, as this makes a texture look realistic. I also think the way the environment interacts with the material of on object is exceptionally important because it involves a process that is a phenomenon of the real world. These processes include that of reflectivity, refraction, translucency, and specularity. Therefore I intend to implement these in my materials in town hall station to attempt to create a model as realistic as possible.
Ways to measure aspects of a real site
dimension of tiles
laser measure
trudle wheel
voice recording
sound recording
There is obviously some limitations of the methods I can use to measure the realism in town hall station. However I intend to use as much options as possible to create town hall station as realistic as possible.
Photography will definitely be my first choice in analysing Town Hall Station as it is an easy and effective way. Pictures tell a thousand words, what greater way then to have many photos to refer to. I think by taking many photos I will have an advantage because it essentially allows me to' re-visit' the station and acquire any information I need to create a realistic model.
Measuring the site may be a little difficult. But I intend measuring with steps as it is the least suspicious option. At the most a may look a little weird, but at least I wont be a suspected terrorist or something. Obviously my advantage of doing this is that I will have dimensions of the station, which is definitely important in portraying realism. If the model was out of proportion it will instantly be noticed by the audience and will destroy its realism.
I also to intend to record sound using my phone. This will provide me with a realistic presentation of the environment in town hall station.